
#ZuzunagaAsseretoEspaña We are very happy to announce our arrival in Spain! 

Our leading partner in International Taxation and wealth protection, Luciana Yañez, will lead the new Barcelona office, located next to Passeig de Gràcia

From the exercise of Peruvian Law and International Taxation, we will offer advice both to large Spanish assets in their investments in Latin America and to Peruvians in their investments in Spain, as well as to Spanish companies in their arrival in Latin America and to Peruvians in their arrival in Spain.

Thanks to Expansión for sharing the news. All the details, here

Luciana, recognized in Chambers and Partners, The Legal 500 (Leading Individual) and Client Choice, among other directories, and a member of The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), has more than 20 years of experience in tax planning and taxation international and a high level of specialization in agreements to avoid double taxation, investment protection treaties, tax planning of investments in Peru and abroad, local and international corporate reorganizations and acquisition and transfer operations of companies and cross-border transactions, as well as in specialized advice for high net worth clients, non-profit organizations and in Government to Government (G2G) agreements. Our partner has extensive experience assuming academic and union roles, among which we highlight her recent appointment as Liason of Latin America of the WIN (Women of IFA Network) committee and rapporteur for Rio 2024.


ZYA y la Cámara de Comercio de Perú en España organizan evento acerca de las claves fiscales en las relaciones comerciales Perú y España


Diario Expansión – España

La firma peruana Zuzunaga & Assereto Abogados, especializada en derecho tributario, comercio exterior y aduanas, derecho corporativo y grandes patrimonios, aterriza en España. El despacho desembarca en su primera plaza europea de la mano de su socia Luciana Yañez.


Lider legal – España

La firma peruana Zuzunaga & Assereto Abogados, especializada en derecho tributario, comercio exterior y aduanas, derecho corporativo y wealth management, aterriza en España. La firma, clasificada en banda 1 para Tax desde hace más de 15 años en el directorio Chambers and Partners, brinda servicios altamente sofisticados en derecho tributario, tanto a empresas como a grandes patrimonios.


El – España

Zuzunaga & Assereto llega a Europa de la mano de su socia líder en tributación internacional y protección de patrimonios Luciana Yañez.Desde el ejercicio del Derecho Peruano, la firma ofrecerá asesoramiento tanto a grandes patrimonios españoles en sus inversiones en Latinoamérica y a peruanos en sus inversiones en España como a empresas españolas en su desembarco en Latinoamérica.


Evento Wealth Management | Cocktail Wine & Taste – Lima

Leader League

The Peruvian law firm, based in Peru, is landing in Spain. The boutique specializes in tax law, foreign trade and customs, corporate law and wealth management.
